Monday, August 28, 2006

The Week In Review Vol I No. 2:Who Will Hire an Ex-Con; Even Justice Dept. Agrees Rape is Torture; Do Conservatives Think The Pres. Stupid? And More!

Ok this week in review thing is harder than I thought. Nevertheless we will try it for a while on both blogs and see how it goes.

A. Who is hiring ex-cons

This post on CrimProf Blog talks about a Dallas job Fair for ex-cons. Less than 10 percent of those business invited accepted their invitations. Ok how do we break the cycle of Crime if after people have paid their debt to society they can't get a job?
Jobs ex-cons could hold:
Drivers:Trucks,Cars, delivery van.
Paralegals: Yep some of those jail house laywers actually know what they are doing and know the streets.
Loading Dock workers
Trades, laborer
counselors, meter maids,
manager at fast food joints, pretty much anything.
I have met a lot of qualified people who for many reasons commit crimes. I have helped many others who society loves and admires who have committed crimes but have not been arrested or otherwise charged for crimes they did commit. Not every con is right for every job. Neither is every college graduate. To not even look and see what's out there is stupid and wasteful. I wonder how it would have worked out if it was held here in NY?
It depends on the previous crime, but many of these adults have abilities to handle jobs that earn more than minimum wage.

B. Even The Department of Justice agrees Rape is Torture.

I could not believe a US Court of Appeals found that: "The rapes and prolonged imprisonment she suffered were part of a "legitimate investigation," the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals held in March 2006. WHAT?? They sit in New Orleans. Maybe they brains are waterlogged. WHAT??

That's right. It's right here in the L.A. Times. A Congolese woman was being framed for being part of an assination attempt. She is held for months and raped on a regular basis. Those facts are assumed true. AND THE FIFTH CIRCUIT HELD THAT THE RAPEA WERE PART OF A LEGITIMATE INVESTIGATION.
Why has noone called on the US Senate to impeach these people?? Are we really sure the President can't do better?? Oh yeah, that's right he appointed some of them...(sigh)

Money quote:
"Repeated rapes are never part of a legitimate investigation. Rape is torture," wrote law professors Karen Musalo of UC Hastings College of Law in San Francisco, and Joseph Vail of the University of Houston Law Center. In asking the 5th Circuit to rehear the case they cited a December 1994 United Nations resolution denouncing systematic rape as a weapon of war."

C. Do Conservatives think the President is an Idiot??

The libertarian Reason magazine asked that question and the answer they came up with was...Yes!!

Money Quote:
" While other presidents have been called stupid, Scarborough said: "I think George Bush is in a league by himself. I don't think he has the intellectual depth as these other people."

Seems George Will and Bill Buckley think he might be too. I think the jury is still out, but he does get failing grades from me too. Here's hoping against hope he can salvage his second term in the next two years. Can't say I am optimistic.

D. And More:

I am sorry, it's late. I need to drive to Washington DC in the morning. I will try to get to some of the other things I found tomorrow. Till then, I'm out.

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