Saturday, September 30, 2006

Ok You Got Your 9 Billion Dollar Fence, Now How About You Get US Some Real Immigration Reform?

Over a year, hundreds of protests, thousands of phone calls and e-mails, a gazillion promises, and all you guys can come up with is a fence??? A nine billion dollar fence???? Am I missing something? Did all that action over the last year not get through. What part of Immigration reform do you guys not understand?? How many of you guys own stock in Boeing?

Oh I see, maybe you're all too busy sending inappropriate emails to congressional pages.  They had a Republican House, Republican Senate and the President not only is a Republican but he had a plan even the democrats couldn't argue with, and you still accomplished NOTHING, NADA, ZIPPO ZILCH!!!!

You guys couldn't muster the courage to do the right thing.  Now you have the gall to ask us to return you? Morons, all of you.

Let me restate the problem. You have 12 Million people who are living here without anyone knowing where they are. They are indespensible to our economy especially agriculture and travel. They can't pay taxes so they use services and our cities collect nothing from them. Fire, ambulance, Health and Education budgets are streched thin.  
Employers who should pay taxes on these folks don't which is bad for those businesses that play by the rules.

Then there are the humanitarian reasons to act. Such as families being split apart, relatives being unable to attend the funerals or to the health of others because they can't leave or they won't be allowed back in. Again a lot of these people have become the fabric or our society.

Worse yet some of these 12 million are dangerous, and you don't know where they are.

But we have a fence!! I feel much better now. I mean, they can't get in, and maybe someday we won't be able to get out. Can't you just hear the soul of Ronald Reagan saying "Mr. Bush, tear down this wall" Nations that believe in Freedom do not build containing walls!!

I am sorry, but it is really time to vote all of your sorry rear ends out of Congress.

Congress really disgusts me lately.


  1. You left wing losers just don't get it. If the current wave of illegal - that's right, not "undocumented" - is not stopped we cease to become a sovereign nation. And if only a handful of al queda come in with them, we're dead.

    Wake up, lefty.

  2. I don't think anyone has ever called me a lefty before. I don't think anyone has ever called President Bush a lefty either. To bad you didn't have the guts to leave behind a name and have a real debate about this. In fact, finding the dangerous immigrants within our mist is far from leftist. It is law and order. Doing it without destroying our economy is even more conservative.

    Calling someone a commie is so 1950's. Why don't you join this century and instead of calling me a name, come up with a way to accomplish what needs to be done. A 10 foot fence just invites an 11 foot ladder. Keeping illegals out is no more important than finding the ones we have here now and helping to figure out what we should do with them. We missed our chance. Thinking Americans will remember that, and the Republican party will suffer because of it.
    You "Anonymous"(and your short sighted friends)will be responsible for destroying any chance the Republicans will have of keeping Latinos in the party. In the long run, the Republican elephant will turn out to be just like woolly mammoths...Extinct!

  3. By the way, I thought the Al Queda flew into the country. I don't know that any of them came thru by way of the Mexican border. I do know a bunch of kids who are fighting in Afganistan and Iraq whose parents came in that way... Undocumented and all.

  4. Very interesting insights. Keep up the good work.
