Sunday, December 10, 2006

A Happy Announcement

Time for a happy announcement. Roger Adler, Chairman of the NYS Bar Association's Criminal Justice Section, has honored me by naming me as co-chair of the Section's Continuing Legal Education Committee. This is a position I held for about 6 years in the 1990's. At that time the concept of Mandatory Continuing Legal Education was new in NY. I was excited to hold the post knowing that only quality programming would keep lawyers informed and happy with the new "imposition."
I think we were very successful and had hundreds of lawyers and judges attend the programs. They were of high quality and they were as entertaining as they were informative.

I am honored to again be serving our state bar. I look forward to planning and working on a lot of really exciting programs. If you have an Idea for a topic you would like to see the State Bar tackle, send me an e-mail to


  1. Thanks, Its nice to be back in the swing of things. I really love the section and I look forward to a productive period as co-chair.
