Monday, January 18, 2010

San Diego Gestapo...uhhh police...Arrest Innocent Jet Fan

People ask sometimes ask me "what can be worse than the murder of an innocent person by a violent criminal?
For me that is an easy answer: Members of the government allegedly acting on my behalf,and at my expense, who abuse their authority and arrest an innocent person. I am not going to get into the whole thing about allowing 100 guilty men to go free so that one innocent man is not imprisoned, but watching this tape enrages me just as much as the acts of these two idiots in Connecticut.

Thank goodness, a thoughtful fan from San Diego used his camera to record what can only be described as a totalitarian behavior from San Diego's men in blue.

These cops shamed their city, their taxpayers and their badges/uniforms. If I were Mayor of NY I'd be calling for an investigation, and if I were Mayor of San Diego there would be one ongoing right now. A bunch of cops would be on desk duty and a few would be looking at demotions and other discipline! Here is the story in the NY POST


  1. I wondering how someone gets in touch with you.
    I'd like to "pull" your blog posts into It seems we had an old blog coming in that hasn't been updated for a few months and it would be SO much better to have your blog.

    Interested? Please be in touch with me at

    Here is the link to the "old" blog

    thank you for your time and consideration.

    Victoria Bianchini
    Nassau County Curator

  2. The video definitely doesn't make the police look good though I wish you could see the events right before the police showed up in the video. Doubt it would justify that many needing to be there though.

  3. We get it you hate the police and out of some short of self rightious angst you chose to be a defense lawyer in order to defend the trash that makes uo our country. It would be nice however if as a lawyer you chose to develop you rhetoric as you seem to rely on weak emotional appeals over facts. Or is that just what being a defense attorney is all about?
